(1) Contestants must compete
in the age division according to their age the day of the National Pageant for atlarge contestants. If a contestant competed in a Local or State Forestry Pageant, they will compete in the same age group
they competed in at their Local or State Pageant. Must be a legal resident of
the USA.
(2) Must submit a copy of your
birth certificate with the application.
(3) May be sponsored by friends,
family or businesses.
(4) Must sell (4) Good luck
ads at $25.00 each to go in the program book. You may get ads from friends, family or businesses. Ad page must be submitted
camera ready and typed in bold black. You can lay page out the way you want to, just include contestants name, parents, sponsor,
and state. State is the state that you are representing. Scan picture onto ad page.
Submit wallet photo for website.
(5) The pageant is open to any
contestant from any state within the United States.
(6) You do not have to win a
state pageant to attend. if you do not have a pageant in your state, you can
compete atlarge and represent your state. You will receive a state crown and
state sash for your state if you come atlarge.
(7) If named queen, you must promote the Forestry Industry.
(8) Must get permission from
the National Director before promoting the United States National Forestry title.
(9) Must always act in a ladylike
(10) Queens will get scholarship
money at the end of her reign, provided she fulfills her duties as Miss United States National Forestry Queen.
(11) Contestants must have never
been married or never been pregnant, or never convicted of a crime. Queens cannot marry or become pregnant or be convicted
of a crime during their reign.
(12) A contestant agrees to
abide by all the rules and regulations of the GFPEA now in affect or announced thereafter.
(13) The pageant will be conducted under the rules established by GFPEA and a contestant agrees that the time,
manner and method of judging the pageant shall be solely within the discretion of the GFPEA and the decision of the judges
will be final.
(14) Anyone acting in a disorderly
way will be disqualified without refund.
(15) No refunds unless pageant
should be canceled.
(18) The deadline to enter is
August 1, 2017 for atlarge contestants and four weeks after your state pageant for state queens. We will accept atlarge contestants on a first come first serve basis.
(19) If named queen, you must
be on time for all the appointments and if named queen, the queen must give a phone number and the address where she can be
reached at all times by the GFPEA. Queens reign and appearance shall be handled solely within the GFPEA and the Queen.
(20) A contestant must be of
good moral character and shall not have been convicted of any crimes and shall possess poise, personality, intelligence, and
(21) No Cameras of any nature
allowed in the building or on the premises. We will have a videographer and a photographer for your convenience. No cell phones,
beepers, or electronic equipment allowed in the building. Contestants will be disqualified if a family member or members of
her entourage are caught breaking any of the GFPEA rules.
(22) If entering photogenic,
pictures must be mailed no later than August 1, 2013.
(23) A $40.00 service charge
will be charged for returned checks. We do not accept personal checks. We accept business checks, money orders, cash, or cashier's checks.
(24) No Food or Drinks in the
(25) Should there be a problem
of any kind during the pageant, or related events, the contestants are to go directly to the GFPEA. Any unruly, unsportsmanlike,
or unbecoming conduct by a contestant or any member of her entourage, or any disregard for the rules and regulations of this
pageant could result in immediate dismissal from further competition without refund. Depending upon the severity of the action
or behavior, it could result in a permanent barrier from future competition in the Miss United States National Forestry Scholarship
Pageant, to be decided upon by the GFPEA.
(26) If named queen and for
some reason, title is revoked, you will have to return all prizes such as but not limited to crown, banner, crowning pin,
scholarships, and all prizes presented to the queen on the night she wins to the GFPEA. If your title is revoked on the national
forestry level, you can never compete in a local, state, or national forestry pageant.
(27) No Soliciting of any kind
is allowed at the pageant or in the building. This means no passing out of other materials, applications and so forth.
(28) Queens will keep their crown, banner and all prizes at the end of their reign. Queens cannot wear the
United States National Forestry crown, banner, crowning pin and so forth to promote another pageant after they give up their
National Forestry title. If caught doing so, the GFPEA has the right to ask for the crown, banner, and crowning pin to be
returned to the GFPEA.
(29) These rules apply to Baby,
Teeny, Tiny, Little, Junior, Teen, Miss, and Ms contestants competing for the titles of Miss United States National Forestry
and if named Baby, Teeny, Tiny, Little, Junior, Teen, Miss, or Ms United States National Forestry, these rules will stay in
effect until the United States National Forestry Queens fulfill their year and relinquish their title on the date that is
set by the GFPEA for the next following National Pageant.